Light therapy methods such as this by VieLight Flex with similar specifications have been used worldwide for decades demonstrating its effectiveness to reduce pain and accelerate wound healing at the directed areas of the body. It stimulates a set of cellular level interactions that reduces acute inflammation and achieving the above mentioned outcomes. Damaged tissues are found to be particularly responsive to this stimulation.
Wound Healing
"The mechanisms behind LLLT are more complex than those underlying conventional laser therapy," Dr. Hode says. The interaction between the targeted cells and laser light still contain many unknown puzzle pieces, he adds. However, the exposure of a wound to laser light can cause both blood flow and the local immune defense system to be stimulated, and, therefore, expedite re-epithelialization. Herpes simplex type 1 and acute herpes zoster respond well to LLLT, while treatment of genital herpes has produced less consistent results. Verrucal lesions also respond well, although pediatric lesions typically require more treatments and at higher doses than do those in adults, he says. Venous leg ulcers, a common indication, typically are more responsive than are arterial ulcers."Dr. Hode, a renowned expert in laser therapy generally and also in LLLT, is chair of the Swedish Medical Laser Society and is based in Stockholm, Sweden. Co-author of the textbook "Laser Therapy — Clinical Practice and Scientific Background,"